We are a full service

Trace production

Trace Production is an innovative video production company made up of content creators, writers, artists, directors, producers, advertisers and storytellers.

We are a trusted digital partner to our valued clients, helping to guide them through the ever progressing world of digital space.

Video Production

We produce captivating and creative videos with state of the art equipment and the best creative team behind the scenes.

Content Creation

We provide series of social media posts and content to help you directly or indirectly advertise yourself and brand online.

Personal and Corporate Branding

Our team of talented designers can create branding materials to give your business the awareness it needs.

Artist Management

Our team of professional representatives will help you network and bridge the gap between the talent and the audience.


We provide full photography services like still life, portraits, commercial, events, products and fashion photography.

Voiceover Productions

We have a distinct array of first class voiceover artists and top quality broadcast facilities and equipment


At Trace Production, we take clients with little or no knowledge of podcast production and provide the coaching.

Digital Marketing

We provide first class social media consultancy services that will help your business join the conversation online and generate new leads.

Our Latest Work

Trace Production provides a complete solution of cutting edge equipment to guarantee the high quality demands of our distinctive clients.

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